Custom RML Rules
An advantage of building RML mapping rules is that you can add
custom RML rules to an existing Processor
subclass. For example,
you may want to a bf:heldBy
predicate to your bf:Item
that points to your institution's IRI.
Referring back to the State of Colorado Publication's library, we
create a new RML predicateObjectMap
to the existing BIBFRAME Item
with the following:
@prefix rml: <> .
@prefix rr: <>.
@prefix bf: <> .
bc:MODS2BIBFRAME_Item rr:predicateObjectMap [
rr:predicate bf:heldBy ;
rr:objectMap [
rr:constant <> ;
] .
Saving this rule in a temporary file, we will create a new XMLProcessor
instance with the new RML rule and rerun the MODS-to-BIBFRAME conversion.
>>> mods_processor = processor.XMLProcessor(
base_url = '',
namespaces={"mods": "",
"xlink": ""})
Checking the resulting turtle serialization of the output RDF graph, we
can see that '' subject
now has a new triple with the predicate being bf:heldBy
and the object being
the Colorado State Library Publication IRI.
<> a bf:Item ;
bf:generationProcess [ a bf:GenerationProcess ;
bf:generationDate "2017-11-10T14:36:50.510775" ;
rdf:value "Generated by BIBCAT version 1.18.1 from"^^xsd:string ] ;
bf:heldBy <> ;
bf:itemOf <> .
This finishes the introduction to RML mapping with bibcat
, now we will look at
a second core functionality, that of linking to other sources of Linked Data with
our existing BIBFRAME RDF.