RDF Properties in the Framework¶
Now we will define the properties to be used in the application and which classes that use them.
Unlike a SQL field definition a property can be used in many rdf:Classes
Start by adding the basic information about a property you will be using:
- schema:email a rdf:Property;
rdfs:label “E-mail”; rdfs:comment “Electronic mail sent through a network to an individual” .
Add a rdfs:domain tag for each class that uses the property:
schema:email rdfs:domain schema:Person, schema:Organization .
The two rdfs:domain statements listed above state that the schema:email property will be used in both the schema:Person and schema:Organization rdf:Classes.
Next specify the rdfs:range for the property. Remember this tells the framework which type of value should be in the object position of a triple:
schema:email rdfs:range xsd:string .
Now we need to specify more specific rules for the property. If we want to make it a required property for a rdf:Class we can add a kds:requiredByDomain tag.
schema:email kds:requiredByDomain schema:Person .
Since we only added a kds:requiredByDomain tag for the schema:Person class, the schema:Organization, which also uses the property will not require the property. To make it a required property for the schema:Organization class as well add:
schema:email kds:requiredByDomain schema:Organization.
If the property was specified as a Primary Key in the rdf:Class definition it is not necessary to make it a required property in the property definition. Primary Keys are required by definition. It will NOT cause a problem if a primary key is also specified as a required property.
Define any security rules for the property:
schema:email kds:propertySecurity [ **kds:appliesTo schema:Person** acl:agent kdr:Admin-SG; acl:mode acl:Read ] ;
The kds:appliesTo tag specifies which rdf:Class to apply the security setting. In this case adding the above means that the schema:email property when used in the schema:Person class can only be seen by the kdr:Admin-SG. However, when it is used in the schema:Organization class no such rules apply.
The next major component is to tell the framework how to validate the property. This way we have consistancy when saving data:
schema:email **kds:propertyValidation** [ a kdr:EmailValidator ] .
See also
For a full listing of validators see the Validator section
Now state how the application should process the data for the property. There are wide variety of actions that can be performed:
schema:email kds:propertyProcessing [ kds:appliesTo schema:Person ; a kdr:EmailVerificationProcessor ] .
We are appling an email verification action only to the schema:Person class. If we wanted to apply it to all rdf:Classes that use the property we would leave that line out.
See also
The processor section lists all available processors and their specifications.
Lastly, we can define a default pattern for how the property will appear in forms:
schema:email kds:formDefault [ kds:formFieldName "emailaddr"; kds:formLabelName "Email Address"; kds:formFieldHelp "Enter a valid email address."; kds:fieldType [ a kdr:TextField ] ] .
These can be overridden in the actual form specification. Defining a default here allows for easy insertion of the property into many forms without having to specify the basics about the field each time.
See also
For a detailed explanation and options see the Forms section
Putting it all together would look like this:
schema:email a rdf:Property; rdfs:domain schema:Person; rdfs:domain schema:Organization; rdfs:range xsd:string; rdfs:comment "email address."; kds:requiredByDomain schema:Person; kds:propertyProcessing [ kds:appliesTo schema:Person; a kdr:EmailVerificationProcessor ]; kds:propertyValidation [ a kdr:EmailValidator ]; kds:propertySecurity [ kds:appliesTo schema:Person; acl:agent kdr:Self-SG; acl:mode acl:Read, acl:Write ] ; kds:formDefault [ kds:formFieldName "emailaddr"; kds:formLabelName "Email Address"; kds:formFieldHelp "Enter a valid email address."; kds:fieldType [ a kdr:TextField ] ] .
Next define the application settings!