Defining RDF Classes in the Framework¶
After deciding what rdf:Classes that you will be using in the application it is now time to start specifying your classes in a RDF turtle formated file.
Open a text editor and add your turtle prefixes for the namespaces that you will be using:
# Required namespaces @prefix acl: <> . @prefix kds: <> . @prefix kdr: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . # Any addtional namespaces @prefix schema: <> .
Next add the basic information about the first class:
schema:Person a rdf:Class; rdfs:label "Person"; rdfs:comment "A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).".
Tag the class with kds:ControlledClass. This tells the Framework what are the classes in the application:
schema:Person a kds:ControlledClass .
Now specify how the class instance data should be stored. Options are “object” or “blanknode”. This tells the Framework whether to create a new URI or store it as the blanknode in the object position of a triple:
schema:Person kds:storageType "object" .
Next determine if there is a Primary Key for the class. The Primary Key tells the framework that when adding a new instance of the class to the database that the specified properties must be unique or some combination of the properties must be unique:
schema:Person kds:primaryKey schema:email.
Make the primary key a combination of properties like this:
schema:Person kds:primaryKey [
kds:keyCombo schema:givenName;
kds:keyCombo schema:familyName
] .
Lastly we need to define the security rules for the class:
schema:Person kds:classSecurity [ acl:agent kdr:Admin-SG; acl:mode acl:Read, acl:Write ] ;
This means that anyone in the kds:Admin-SG has read and write privileges to the class.
To add more permissions repeat the above information.
Putting it all together would look like this:
schema:Person a rdf:Class; rdfs:label "Person"; rdfs:comment "A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional)."; a kds:ControlledClass ; kds:storageType "object" ; kds:primaryKey schema:email; kds:classSecurity [ acl:agent kdr:Admin-SG; acl:mode acl:Read, acl:Write ] ; kds:classSecurity [ acl:agent kdr:LoggedIn-SG; acl:mode acl:Read ] .
Next define your rdf:Properties!