rdfframework.api package


rdfframework.api.rdfapifields module

rdfframework.api.rdfapifields.get_api_field(field, instance='', **kwargs)[source]

return an API field

rdfframework.api.rdfapifields.get_api_field_json(field, instructions, instance, user_info, item_permissions=None)[source]

This function will read through the RDF defined info and proccess the json to return the correct values for the instance, security and details

rdfframework.api.rdfapis module

class rdfframework.api.rdfapis.Api(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

This class is used for a rdfframework API


adds a new property/field to the form in all the correct locations

redirect_url(id_value=None, **kwargs)[source]

formats the redirect url for the form in its current state


removes a prop completely from the form


fields are moved around during save process and if the validation fails this method will return the fields to their original locations


sends the form to the framework for saving


sets the data for the current form paramters

**keyword arguments subject_uri: the URI for the subject class_uri: the rdf class of the subject

rdfframework.api.rdfapis.get_api_instructions_json(instructions, instance)[source]

This function will read through the RDF defined info and proccess the json to retrun the correct instructions for the specified form instance.

rdfframework.api.rdfapis.rdf_framework_api_factory(api_id, **kwargs)[source]
Generates a form class based on the form definitions in the
kds-app.ttl file
keyword Args:
class_uri: the classUri used for a form with loaded data
* has to be the class of the subject_uri for
the form data lookup

subject_uri: the uri of the object that you want to lookup is_subform: True or False. States whether the form is a subform

of another form

Module contents