.. RdfFramework documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Mar 17 22:03:23 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. RdfFramework Documentation ************************** *Developed by KnowledgeLinks.io* *** *** *** STILL IN DEVELOPMENT *** *** *** This application reads a RDF data file that describes a web application using the `knowledgelinks.io `_ data-structures RDF Vocabulary. The current test web application is for issuing and hosting `Open Badges `_. RDF Namespaces ============== +------------+----------------------------------------------+ | **PREFIX** | **URI** | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ | **kds** | http://knowledgelinks.io/ns/data-structures/ | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ | **kdr** | http://knowledgelinks.io/ns/data-resources/ | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ Introduction ============ The versitility of RDF allows a simple means for describing anything. Using our developed vocabulary for describing a web application we are building a framework for a highly customizable, secure and a fully RDF/bigdata integrated web application. Since RDF databases do not have inherent forced data structures like SQL Databases (i.e. table defs, primary keys, etc) they have great flexibility. However, with the increased flexibility comes other challenges: - Challenge of consistant object saving - Redudant data - Data consistancy - Consistancy between modules reading and saving data To solve this problem the kds vocabulary completely integrates with the any other RDF vocabulary (i.e. schema, FOAF, etc.) by augmenting those vocabularies with how they are to be used in the specific application. Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 keyconcepts rdfdatasetup rdfframework rdfframework.apit rdfframework.forms rdfframework.forms.widgets rdfframework.processors rdfframework.security rdfframework.sparql rdfframework.utilities rdfframework.validators Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`