Source code for rdfframework.validators.rdfvalidators

import requests
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired, Email, URL, Length, EqualTo, \
from wtforms import ValidationError
from rdfframework import RdfDataType, get_framework as rdfw
from rdfframework.utilities import make_triple, iri, clean_iri, fw_config,\
    make_list, uri

__author__ = "Mike Stabile, Jeremy Nelson"

[docs]def get_wtform_validators(field): ''' reads the list of validators for the field and returns the wtforms validator list''' _field_validators = [] required = field.get('kds_required', False) if required: _field_validators.append(InputRequired()) else: _field_validators.append(Optional()) _validator_list = make_list(field.get('kds_validators', [])) for _validator in _validator_list: _validator_type = _validator['rdf_type'] if _validator_type == 'kdr_PasswordValidator': _field_validators.append( EqualTo( field.get("kds_formFieldName", '') +'_confirm', message='Passwords must match')) if _validator_type == 'kdr_EmailValidator': _field_validators.append(Email(message=\ 'Enter a valid email address')) if _validator_type == 'kdr_UrlValidator': _field_validators.append(URL(message=\ 'Enter a valid URL/web address')) if _validator_type == 'kdr_UniqueValueValidator': _field_validators.append(UniqueValue()) if _validator_type == 'kdr_StringLengthValidator': _string_params = _validator.get('kds_parameters') _param_list = _string_params.split(',') _param_obj = {} for _param in _param_list: _new_param = _param.split('=') _param_obj[_new_param[0]] = _new_param[1] _field_min = int(_param_obj.get('min', 0)) _field_max = int(_param_obj.get('max', 1028)) _field_validators.append(Length( min=_field_min, max=_field_max, message="{} size must be between {} and {} characters".format( field.get("formFieldName"), _field_min, _field_max))) return _field_validators
[docs]class UniqueValue(object): ''' a custom validator for use with wtforms * checks to see if the value already exists in the triplestore''' def __init__(self, message=None): if not message: message = u'The field must be a unique value' self.message = message def __call__(self, form, field): # get the test query debug = True _sparql = self._make_unique_value_qry(form, field) if debug: print(_sparql) # run the test query _unique_test_results =\ fw_config().get('TRIPLESTORE_URL'), data={"query": _sparql, "format": "json"}) _unique_test = _unique_test_results.json().get('results').get( \ 'bindings', []) # evaluate the results; True result in the query denotes that the # value already exists if len(_unique_test) > 0: _unique_test = _unique_test[0].get(\ 'uniqueValueViolation', {}).get('value', False) else: _unique_test = False if _unique_test: raise ValidationError(self.message) def _make_unique_value_qry(self, form, field): debug = False _sparql_args = [] # determine the property and class details of the field _prop_uri = field.kds_propUri _class_uri = field.kds_classUri _range = field.rdfs_range # make the base triples for the query if _prop_uri: _data_value = RdfDataType(None, class_uri=_class_uri, prop_uri=_prop_uri).sparql( _sparql_args.append(make_triple("?uri", "a", iri(uri(_class_uri)))) _sparql_args.append(make_triple("?uri", iri(uri(_prop_uri)), _data_value)) # see if the form is based on a set of triplestore data. if it is # remove that triple from consideration in the query if hasattr(form, "data_subject_uri"): _subject_uri = form.data_subject_uri _lookup_class_uri = form.data_class_uri # if the subject class is the same as the field class if _lookup_class_uri == _class_uri and _subject_uri: _sparql_args.append("FILTER(?uri!={}) .".format(\ iri(_subject_uri))) if debug: x=y # If not need to determine how the subject is related to the field # property elif _subject_uri: # class links shows the relationship between the classes in a form _class_links = form.dependancies _linked_lookup_class_uri = None # cycle through the class links to find the subject linkage for _rdf_class in _class_links: for _prop in _class_links[_rdf_class]: if _lookup_class_uri == _prop.get("kds_classUri"): _linked_lookup_class_uri = _rdf_class _linked_lookup_prop = _prop.get("kds_propUri") break # if there is a direct link between the subject class and # field class add the sparql arguments if _linked_lookup_class_uri == _class_uri: _sparql_args.append(\ "OPTIONAL{{?uri {} ?linkedUri}} .".format(\ iri(uri(_linked_lookup_prop)))) else: # find the indirect linkage i.e. # field in class A that links to class B with a lookup # subject in class C for _rdf_class in _class_links: for _prop in _class_links[_rdf_class]: if _class_uri == _prop.get("kds_classUri"): _linked_field_class_uri = _rdf_class _linked_field_prop = _prop.get("kds_propUri") break if _linked_lookup_class_uri == _linked_field_class_uri: _sparql_args.append("OPTIONAL {") _sparql_args.append("?pass {} ?uri .".format(\ iri(uri(_linked_field_prop)))) _sparql_args.append("?pass {} ?linkedUri .".format(\ iri(uri(_linked_lookup_prop)))) _sparql_args.append("} .") _sparql_args.append(\ "BIND(IF(bound(?linkedUri),?linkedUri,'') AS ?link)") _sparql_args.append("FILTER(?link!={}).".format(\ iri(_subject_uri))) return '''{}\nSELECT (COUNT(?uri)>0 AS ?uniqueValueViolation) {{\n{}\n}}\nGROUP BY ?uri'''.format(rdfw().get_prefix(), "\n\t".join(_sparql_args))