Source code for rdfframework.sparql.querygenerator

import requests
import copy
from rdfframework import get_framework as rdfw
from rdfframework.utilities import fw_config, make_triple, iri, uri,\
        is_not_null, render_without_request, make_list, pp, uid_to_repo_uri
DEBUG = True

[docs]def get_data(obj, **kwargs): ''' queries that datastore for the based on the supplied arguments ''' _sparql = create_data_sparql_query(obj, **kwargs) data = run_sparql_query(_sparql, **kwargs) return data
[docs]def run_sparql_query(sparql, **kwargs): ''' run the passed in sparql query and returns the results ''' _prefix = rdfw().get_prefix() if sparql is not None: _results ='TRIPLESTORE_URL'), data={"prefix": _prefix, "query": sparql, "format": "json"}) return _results.json().get('results', {}).get('bindings', []) else: return None
[docs]def create_data_sparql_query(obj, **kwargs): ''' generates the sparql query for getting an object's data ''' if not DEBUG: debug = False else: debug = False if debug: print("START create_data_sparql_query -----------------------\n") if debug: print("*** kwargs ***: \n%s \n*** obj ***:\n%s" % (pp.pformat(kwargs), pp.pformat(obj.__dict__))) from rdfframework import RdfDataType subject_uri = kwargs.get("subject_uri", obj.data_subject_uri) _class_uri = kwargs.get("class_uri", obj.data_class_uri) _formated_val = None _lookup_triple = "" if obj.rdf_instructions.get("kds_subjectUriTransform"): if obj.rdf_instructions.get("kds_subjectUriTransform") == \ "kdr_UidToRepositoryUri": id_value = kwargs.get("id_value") if kwargs.get("id_value"): _subject_uri = uid_to_repo_uri(id_value) subject_uri = _subject_uri obj.data_subject_uri = _subject_uri elif obj.rdf_instructions.get("kds_subjectUriTransform") == \ "kdr_UidToTriplestoreUri": id_value = kwargs.get("id_value") if kwargs.get("id_value"): rdf_class = getattr(rdfw(), obj.data_class_uri) subject_uri = rdf_class.uri_patterner(id_value) obj.data_subject_uri = subject_uri elif kwargs.get("id_value") or obj.rdf_instructions.get("kds_lookupPropertyUri"): # find the details for formating the sparql query for the supplied # id_value or lookup via a property Value id_value = kwargs.get("id_value") if not id_value: id_value = subject_uri _kds_propUri = obj.rdf_instructions.get("kds_lookupPropertyUri") _rdf_class_uri = obj.rdf_instructions.get("kds_lookupPropertyClass") if not _rdf_class_uri: _rdf_class_uri = obj.rdf_instructions.get("kds_lookupClassUri") _rdf_class = getattr(rdfw(),_rdf_class_uri) _rdf_prop = _rdf_class.kds_properties[_kds_propUri] _range = make_list(_rdf_prop.get("rdfs_range"))[0] _formated_val = RdfDataType(_range.get("rangeClass")).sparql(id_value) _lookup_triple = "\t{}\n\t{}\n\t".format( make_triple("?subject", "a", iri(uri(_rdf_class.kds_classUri))), make_triple("?subject", iri(uri(_kds_propUri)), _formated_val)) subject_uri = "?subject" subject_lookup = kwargs.get("subject_lookup") if subject_lookup: # subject lookup will pull a subject and all of its related data _kds_propUri = iri(uri(subject_lookup.kds_propUri)) _data_type = uri(make_list(subject_lookup.rdfs_range)[0]) _prop_value = RdfDataType(_data_type).sparql(\ str( _sparql = render_without_request("sparqlRelatedItemDataTemplate.rq", prefix=rdfw().get_prefix(), kds_propUri=_kds_propUri, prop_value=_prop_value) return _sparql _lookup_class_uri = _class_uri _sparql_args = None _sparql_constructor = copy.deepcopy(obj.dependancies) if debug: print("+++++++++++++++++++++++ Dependancies:") pp.pprint(_sparql_constructor) _base_subject_finder = None _linked_class = None _linked_prop = False _sparql_elements = [] _subform_data = {} _data_list = obj.is_subobj _parent_field = None if is_not_null(subject_uri): # find the primary linkage between the supplied subjectId and # other form classes for _rdf_class in _sparql_constructor: for _prop in _sparql_constructor[_rdf_class]: try: if _class_uri == _prop.get("kds_classUri"): _sparql_args = _prop _linked_class = _rdf_class _sparql_constructor[_rdf_class].remove(_prop) if _rdf_class != _lookup_class_uri: _linked_prop = True except: pass # generate the triple pattern for linked class if debug: print("+++++++++++++++++++++++ SPARQL Constructor") pp.pprint(_sparql_constructor) if _sparql_args: # create a binding for multi-item results if _data_list: _list_binding = "BIND(?classID AS ?itemID) ." else: _list_binding = '' # provide connection triples for the id subject and associated # rdf class format_string = "{}BIND({} AS ?baseSub) .\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t{}" _base_subject_finder = format_string.format( _lookup_triple, iri(subject_uri), make_triple("?baseSub", "a", iri(uri(_lookup_class_uri))), make_triple("?classID", iri(uri(_sparql_args.get("kds_propUri"))), "?baseSub"), _list_binding) # if there is a linkage between subject_uri and another associated # property in object if _linked_prop: # create a binding for multi-item results if _data_list: _list_binding = "BIND(?s AS ?itemID) ." else: _list_binding = '' format_string = \ "{}BIND({} AS ?baseSub) .\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t?s ?p ?o ." _sparql_elements.append(format_string.format(\ _lookup_triple, iri(subject_uri), make_triple("?baseSub", "a", iri(uri(_lookup_class_uri))), make_triple("?s", iri(uri(_sparql_args.get("kds_propUri"))), "?baseSub"), _list_binding)) # iterrate though the classes used in the object and generate the # spaqrl triples to pull the data for that class for _rdf_class in _sparql_constructor: if _rdf_class == _class_uri: if _data_list: _list_binding = "BIND(?s AS ?itemID) ." else: _list_binding = '' if is_not_null(_lookup_triple) and is_not_null(_list_binding): format_string = \ "{}BIND({} AS ?basesub).\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t?s ?p ?o ." _sparql_elements.append(format_string.format( _lookup_triple, iri(subject_uri), make_triple('?baseSub','a',iri(uri(_lookup_class_uri))), make_triple('?classID',iri(uri(_sparql_args.get("kds_propUri"))),'?s'), "BIND(?classID AS ?itemID) .")) else: format_string = \ "\t{}BIND({} AS ?s) .\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t?s ?p ?o ." _sparql_elements.append(format_string.format( _lookup_triple, iri(subject_uri), make_triple("?s", "a", iri(uri(_lookup_class_uri))), _list_binding)) for _prop in _sparql_constructor[_rdf_class]: if _rdf_class == _class_uri: if _data_list: _list_binding = "BIND(?s AS ?itemID) ." else: _list_binding = '' format_string = \ "\t{}BIND({} AS ?baseSub) .\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t?s ?p ?o ." _sparql_arg = format_string.format(\ _lookup_triple, iri(subject_uri), make_triple("?baseSub", "a", iri(uri(_lookup_class_uri))), make_triple("?baseSub", iri(uri(_prop.get("kds_propUri"))), "?s"), _list_binding) _sparql_elements.append(_sparql_arg) elif _rdf_class == _linked_class: _sparql_elements.append( "\t{}\n\t{}\n\t?s ?p ?o .".format( _base_subject_finder, make_triple("?classID", iri(uri(_prop.get("kds_propUri"))), "?s") ) ) '''**** The case where an ID looking up a the triples for a non-linked related is not functioning i.e. password ClassID not looking up person org triples if the org class is not used in the form. This may not be a problem ... the below comment out is a start to solving if it is a problem elif _linked_class != self.get_class_name(prop.get(\ "classUri")): _sparql_elements.append( "\t" +_base_subject_finder + "\n " + "\t"+ make_triple("?classID", iri(prop.get(\ "propUri")), "?s") + "\n\t?s ?p ?o .")''' # merge the sparql elements for each class used into one combined # sparql union statement _sparql_unions = "{{\n{}\n}}".format("\n} UNION {\n".join(\ _sparql_elements)) if _data_list: _list_binding = "?itemID" else: _list_binding = '' # render the statment in the jinja2 template _sparql = render_without_request("sparqlItemTemplate.rq", prefix=rdfw().get_prefix(), query=_sparql_unions, list_binding=_list_binding) if debug: print("SPARQL query") print(_sparql) if debug: print("END create_data_sparql_query ---------------------\n") return _sparql
[docs]def query_select_options(field): ''' returns a list of key value pairs for a select field ''' _prefix = rdfw().get_prefix() _select_query = field.kds_fieldType.get('kds_selectQuery', None) _select_list = {} _options = [] if _select_query: # send query to triplestore _select_list = fw_config().get('TRIPLESTORE_URL'), data={"query": _prefix + _select_query, "format": "json"}) _raw_options = _select_list.json().get('results', {}).get('bindings', []) _bound_var = field.kds_fieldType.get('kds_selectBoundValue', ''\ ).replace("?", "") _display_var = field.kds_fieldType.get('kds_selectDisplay', ''\ ).replace("?", "") # format query result into key value pairs for row in _raw_options: _options.append( { "id":iri(row.get(_bound_var, {}).get('value', '')), "value":row.get(_display_var, {}).get('value', '') }) return _options
[docs]def save_file_to_repository(data, repo_item_address): ''' saves a file from a form to a repository''' object_value = "" if repo_item_address: print("~~~~~~~~ write code here") else: repository_result = fw_config().get("REPOSITORY_URL"),, headers={"Content-type":"'image/png'"}) object_value = repository_result.text return iri(object_value)