Source code for rdfframework.framework

__author__ = "Mike Stabile, Jeremy Nelson"
import re
import os
import time
import operator
import requests
from wtforms import ValidationError
from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict
from rdfframework.utilities import fw_config, iri, is_not_null, make_list, \
        remove_null, clean_iri, make_triple, convert_spo_to_dict, \
        render_without_request, code_timer, create_namespace_obj, \
        convert_obj_to_rdf_namespace, pyuri, nouri, uri, pp, iris_to_strings, \
from rdfframework.processors import clean_processors, run_processor
from rdfframework.sparql import get_data
from .rdfproperty import RdfProperty
from flask import current_app, json
from flask.ext.login import login_user, current_user
from import User
from rdfframework.forms import rdf_framework_form_factory
DEBUG = True

[docs]class RdfFramework(object): ''' base class for Knowledge Links' Graph database RDF vocabulary framework''' rdf_class_dict = {} # stores the Triplestore defined class defintions class_initialized = False # used to state if the the class was properly # initialized with RDF definitions rdf_form_dict = {} # stores the Triplestore defined form definitions forms_initialized = False # used to state if the form definitions have # been initialized rdf_app_dict = {} # stors the the Triplestore definged application # settings app_initialized = False # states if the application has been initialized value_processors = [] apis_initialized = False def __init__(self): reset = True if not os.path.isdir(JSON_LOCATION): print("JSON cache directory not found.\nCreating directory") reset = True os.makedirs(JSON_LOCATION) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(JSON_LOCATION, "app_query.json")): reset = True # verify that the server core is up and running servers_up = True servers_up = verify_server_core(600, 0) if not servers_up: print("Sever core not initialized --- Framework Not loaded") if servers_up: print("*** Loading Framework ***") self._load_rdf_data(reset) self._load_app(reset) self._generate_classes(reset) self._generate_forms(reset) self._generate_apis(reset) print("*** Framework Loaded ***")
[docs] def load_default_data(self): ''' reads default data in the fw_config and attempts to add it to the server core i.e. inital users and organizations''' # test to see if the default data was already loaded sparql = ''' SELECT ?default_loaded WHERE { ?uri kds:defaultLoaded ?default_loaded . }''' result ='TRIPLESTORE_URL'), data={"query": self.get_prefix() + sparql, "format": "json"}) value = result.json().get('results', {}).get('bindings', []) if len(value) == 0: # if not loaded save the data data_list = make_list(fw_config().get('FRAMEWORK_DEFAULT')) for data in data_list: form_class = rdf_framework_form_factory(data['form_path']) form_data = data['form_data'] form = form_class() for prop in form.rdf_field_list: = form_data.get( # tag the repositry that the data has been loaded save_data = ' <> kds:defaultLoaded "true"^^xsd:string' save_query = self.get_prefix("turtle") + save_data responce ="REPOSITORY_URL"), data=save_query, headers={"Content-type": "text/turtle"})
[docs] def user_authentication(self, rdf_obj): ''' reads the object for authentication information and sets the flask userclass information ''' # find the username and password for fld in rdf_obj.rdf_field_list: if fld.kds_propUri == "kds_userName": _username = fld if fld.kds_propUri == "kds_password": _password = fld # get the stored information subject_lookup = _username query_data = self.get_obj_data(rdf_obj, subject_lookup=_username, lookup_related=True, processor_mode="verify") if _password.password_verified: person_info = None user_obj = {} user_uri = "" for subject, value in query_data['query_data'].items(): if "<schema_Person>" in make_list(value.get("rdf_type")): person_info = value user_uri = subject break if person_info: user_obj = {'username':, 'email': person_info['schema_email'], 'full_name': person_info['schema_givenName'] + person_info['schema_familyName'], 'user_uri': user_uri} new_user = User(user_obj) #login_user(new_user) #print(current_user.is_authenticated()) #print("framework ------------ ", current_user.is_authenticated) #pp.pprint(current_user.__dict__) #pp.pprint(current_app.__dict__) #current_app.login_manager.login_user(new_user) rdf_obj.save_state = "success" rdf_obj.save_results = new_user else: error_msg = "The supplied credentials could not be verified" _username.errors.append(" ") _password.errors.append(error_msg) rdf_obj.save_state = "fail"
[docs] def form_exists(self, form_path): '''Tests to see if the form and instance is valid''' if form_path in self.form_list.keys(): return self.form_list[form_path] else: return False
[docs] def api_exists(self, api_path): '''Tests to see if the form and instance is valid''' if api_path in self.api_list.keys(): return self.api_list[api_path] else: return False
[docs] def get_form_path(self, form_uri, instance): ''' reads through the list of defined APIs and returns the path ''' for form_path, val in self.form_list.items(): if val['form_uri'] == form_uri and val['instance_uri'] == instance: return form_path
[docs] def get_api_path(self, api_uri, instance): ''' reads through the list of defined forms and returns the path ''' for api_path, val in self.api_list.items(): if val['api_uri'] == api_uri and val['instance_uri'] == instance: return api_path
[docs] def get_form_name(self, form_uri): '''returns the form name for a form ''' if form_uri: return pyuri(form_uri) else: return None
[docs] def get_api_name(self, api_uri): '''returns the API name for an API ''' if api_uri: return pyuri(api_uri) else: return None
[docs] def save_object_with_subobj(self, rdf_obj, old_data=None): ''' finds the subform field and appends the parent form attributes to the subform entries and individually sends the augmented subform to the main save_form property''' debug = False _parent_fields = [] _parent_field_list = {} result = [] rdf_obj.save_results = [] rdf_obj.save_state = "success" if debug: print("-----------------------") for fld in rdf_obj.Recipient.entries[0].form.rdf_field_list: print(, " - ",, " | ", fld) for fld in rdf_obj.Recipient.entries[1].form.rdf_field_list: print(, " - ",, " | ", fld) for fld in rdf_obj.Recipient.entries[2].form.rdf_field_list: print(, " - ",, " | ", fld) print("-----------------------") for _field in rdf_obj.rdf_field_list: if _field.type != 'FieldList': _parent_fields.append(_field) else: _parent_field_list = rdf_obj.rdf_field_list[:].remove(_field) for _field in rdf_obj.rdf_field_list: if _field.type == 'FieldList': for _entry in _field.entries: #if DEBUG: # print("__________\n",_entry.__dict__) if _entry.type == 'FormField': if hasattr(_entry.form,"subjectUri"): _entry.form.data_subject_uri = \ _entry.form.data_class_uri = \ _entry.form.subjectUri.kds_classUri _entry.form.remove_prop(_entry.form.subjectUri) # ------------------------------------------ if debug: print("subjectUri: ", for fld in _entry.form.rdf_field_list: print(, " - ",, " | ", fld) for fld in _field.entries[2].form.rdf_field_list: print(, " - ",, " | ", fld) # ------------------------------------------- _entry.form.add_props(_parent_fields) save_result = self.save_obj(_entry.form, old_data) rdf_obj.save_results.append(save_result) if _entry.form.save_state is not "success": rdf_obj.save_state = "fail" rdf_obj.save_subject_uri = rdf_obj.data_subject_uri return {"success":True, "results":result}
[docs] def save_obj(self, rdf_obj, old_data=None): ''' Recieves RDF_formfactory form, validates and saves the data *** Steps *** - determine if subform is present - group fields by class - validate the form data for class requirements - determine the class save order. classes with no dependant properties saved first - send data to classes for processing - send data to classes for saving ''' if not DEBUG: debug = False else: debug = True if debug: print("START RdfFramework.save_obj --------------------\n") if old_data is None: old_obj_data = self.get_obj_data(rdf_obj) rdf_obj.query_data = old_obj_data.get('query_data') else: old_obj_data = old_data if rdf_obj.has_subobj: return self.save_object_with_subobj(rdf_obj, old_obj_data) if rdf_obj.is_subobj: missing_data = {} for class_uri, dep_prop_list in rdf_obj.reverse_dependancies.items(): for dep_prop in dep_prop_list: for prop in rdf_obj.rdf_field_list: if prop.kds_propUri == dep_prop.get("kds_propUri") \ and class_uri != rdf_obj.data_class_uri: if is_not_null( new_data = self.get_obj_data(rdf_obj, subject_uri = \, class_uri=class_uri) q_data_list = make_list(new_data.get('query_data')) for q_data in q_data_list: if q_data and len(q_data)>0: if isinstance(q_data, dict): for sub, data in q_data.items(): if iri(class_uri) in make_list(data.get('rdf_type')): missing_data.update({sub:data}) old_obj_data['query_data'].update(missing_data) rdf_obj.set_obj_data(query_data=old_obj_data['query_data']) #print("~~~~~~~~~ _old_form_data: ", _old_form_data) # validate the form data for class requirements (required properties, # security, valid data types etc) _validation = self._validate_obj_by_class_reqs(rdf_obj) if not _validation.get('success'): rdf_obj.reset_fields() print("%%%%%%% validation in save_form\n", pp.pformat(_validation)) return _validation # determine class save order _form_by_classes = rdf_obj.class_grouping _class_save_order = self._get_save_order(rdf_obj) if debug: print("class save order:\n",\ json.dumps(_class_save_order, indent=4)) _reverse_dependancies = rdf_obj.reverse_dependancies _id_class_uri = rdf_obj.data_class_uri # save class data _data_results = [] id_value = None for _rdf_class in _class_save_order: _status = {} _status = getattr(self, _rdf_class).save(rdf_obj) _data_results.append({"rdfClass":_rdf_class, "status":_status}) if DEBUG: print("status ----------\n", json.dumps(_status)) if _status.get("status") == "success": _update_class = _reverse_dependancies.get(_rdf_class, []) if _rdf_class == _id_class_uri: id_value = clean_iri(\ _status.get("lastSave", {}).get("objectValue")) for _prop in _update_class: found = False for i, field in enumerate( rdf_obj.class_grouping.get(_prop.get('kds_classUri', ''))): if field.kds_propUri == _prop.get('kds_propUri'): found = True _form_by_classes[field.kds_classUri][i].data = \ _status.get("lastSave", {}).get("objectValue") _form_by_classes[field.kds_classUri][i].editable = \ True if not found: prop_json = getattr(self, _prop.get('kds_classUri')\ ).kds_properties.get(_prop.get('kds_propUri')) prop_json['kds_classUri'] = _prop.get('kds_classUri') data = _status.get("lastSave", {}).get("objectValue") new_prop = RdfProperty(prop_json, data) _form_by_classes[_prop.get('kds_classUri')].append(\ new_prop) rdf_obj.save_state = "success" rdf_obj.save_subject_uri = id_value rdf_obj.save_results = _data_results return rdf_obj
[docs] def get_prefix(self, format_type="sparql"): ''' Generates a string of the rdf namespaces listed used in the framework formatType: "sparql" or "turtle" ''' _return_str = "" for _prefix, _ns in self.ns_obj.items(): if format_type.lower() == "sparql": _return_str += "PREFIX {0}: {1}\n".format(_prefix, iri(_ns)) elif format_type.lower() == "turtle": _return_str += "@prefix {0}: {1} .\n".format(_prefix, iri(_ns)) return _return_str
[docs] def get_obj_data(self, rdf_obj, **kwargs): ''' returns the data for the current form paramters **keyword arguments subject_uri: the URI for the subject class_uri: the rdf class of the subject ''' if not DEBUG: debug = False else: debug = False if debug: print("START get_obj_data ---------------------------\n") _class_uri = kwargs.get("class_uri", rdf_obj.data_class_uri) _lookup_class_uri = _class_uri subject_uri = kwargs.get("subject_uri", rdf_obj.data_subject_uri) _subobj_data = {} _data_list = kwargs.get("data_list",False) _parent_field = None processor_mode = kwargs.get("processor_mode","load") subject_lookup = kwargs.get("subject_lookup", kwargs.get("id_value")) # if there is no subject_uri exit the function if not is_not_null(subject_uri) and not subject_lookup: return {'query_data':{}} # test to see if a subobj is in the form if rdf_obj.has_subobj: _sub_rdf_obj = None # find the subform field for _field in rdf_obj.rdf_field_list: if _field.type == 'FieldList': for _entry in _field.entries: if _entry.type == 'FormField': _sub_rdf_obj = _entry.form _sub_rdf_obj.is_subobj = True _parent_field = # if the subform exists recursively call this method to get the # subform data if _sub_rdf_obj: _subform_data = self.get_obj_data(_sub_rdf_obj, subject_uri=subject_uri, class_uri=_lookup_class_uri) _query_data = convert_spo_to_dict(convert_obj_to_rdf_namespace(\ get_data(rdf_obj, **kwargs)), "subject", rdf_obj.xsd_load) rdf_obj.query_data = _query_data if debug: pp.pprint(_query_data) # compare the return results with the form fields and generate a # formData object _obj_data_list = [] for _item in make_list(_query_data): _obj_data = {} for _prop in rdf_obj.rdf_field_list: _prop_uri = _prop.kds_propUri _class_uri = _prop.kds_classUri _data_value = None if not hasattr(_prop, 'kds_fieldType'): _field_type = {} else: _field_type = _prop.kds_fieldType if "subform" in _field_type.get("rdf_type",'').lower(): for i, _data in enumerate(make_list(\ _subform_data.get("obj_data"))): for _key, _value in _data.items(): _obj_key = "%s-%s-%s" % (_prop.kds_formFieldName, i, _key) _obj_data[_obj_key] = _value else: prop_query_data = None if _class_uri not in [None, "kds_NoClass"]: for _subject in _item: if _class_uri in _item.get(_subject,{}).get("rdf_type"): prop_query_data = _item[_subject].get(_prop_uri) #_prop.query_data = _item[_subject].get(_prop_uri) #_prop.subject_uri = _subject _data_value = _item[_subject].get(_prop_uri) for _processor in clean_processors(\ [make_list(_prop.kds_processors)], _prop.kds_classUri).values(): run_processor(_processor, rdf_obj, _prop, processor_mode) if debug: if _prop.kds_propUri == "schema_image": x=1 if _prop.kds_propUri == "kds_StaticValue": _prop.processed_data = _prop.kds_returnValue prop_old_data = _prop.kds_returnValue if _prop.processed_data is not None: if debug: print(_prop_uri, " __ ", type(_prop), "--pro--", _prop.processed_data) prop_old_data = _prop.processed_data _prop.processed_data = None else: prop_old_data = prop_query_data if prop_old_data is not None: if hasattr(_prop,"kds_formFieldName"): _obj_data[_prop.kds_formFieldName] = prop_old_data elif hasattr(_prop,"kds_apiFieldName"): _obj_data[_prop.kds_apiFieldName] = prop_old_data _obj_data_list.append(MultiDict(_obj_data)) if len(_obj_data_list) == 1: _obj_data_dict = _obj_data_list[0] elif len(_obj_data_list) > 1: _obj_data_dict = _obj_data_list else: _obj_data_dict = MultiDict() _obj_data = iris_to_strings(_obj_data) if debug: print("**** return value: ---------------------------- \n") if debug: pp.pprint({"obj_data":_obj_data_dict, "obj_json":_obj_data, "query_data":_query_data, "form_class_uri":_lookup_class_uri}) if debug: print("END get_obj_data ---------------------------\n") return {"obj_data":_obj_data_dict, "obj_json":_obj_data, "query_data":_query_data, "form_class_uri":_lookup_class_uri}
def _make_form_list(self): ''' creates an indexed dictionary of available forms and attaches it to the Framework as form_list attribute''' _form_list = {} _link_list = {} for _form, _details in self.rdf_form_dict.items(): _form_instr = _details.get('kds_formInstructions',{}) _form_url = _form_instr.get(\ "kds_formUrl",nouri(_form)) _instance_list = _form_instr.get(\ 'kds_formInstance',{}) for _instance in make_list(_instance_list): _instance_url = _instance.get(\ "kds_instanceUrl", nouri(_instance.get('kds_formInstanceType',''))) if _instance_url == "none": _key = _form_url else: _key = "{}/{}".format(_form_url, _instance_url) _form_title = _instance.get('kds_formTitle', _form_instr.get("kds_formTitle",nouri(_form))) _instance_name = nouri(_instance.get('kds_formInstanceType')) _name_list = [_form_title] if _instance_name: _name_list.append(_instance_name) _form_list[_key] = {\ 'form_uri':_form, 'instance_uri':_instance.get('kds_formInstanceType',''), 'form_title':"-".join(_name_list)} _link_list["-".join(_name_list)] = _key self.link_list = sorted(_link_list.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) #print(self.link_list) self.form_list = _form_list def _make_api_list(self): ''' creates an indexed dictionary of available APIs and attaches it to the Framework as api_list attribute''' _api_list = {} for _api, _details in self.rdf_api_dict.items(): _api_url = _details.get('kds_apiInstructions',{}).get(\ "kds_apiUrl",nouri(_api)) _extension = _details.get('kds_apiInstructions',{}).get(\ 'kds_apiUrlExtension') if not _extension: _key = _api_url else: _key = "{}|{}".format(_api_url, _extension) _api_list[_key] = {\ 'api_uri':_api, 'extension':_extension} self.api_list = _api_list def _load_app(self, reset): ''' queries the rdf definitions and sets the framework attributes for the application defaults ''' if self.app_initialized != True: _app_json = self._load_application_defaults(reset) self.ns_obj = create_namespace_obj(_app_json) self.rdf_app_dict = convert_obj_to_rdf_namespace(_app_json, self.ns_obj) print("\t\t%s objects" % len(self.rdf_app_dict)) # add the security attribute # add the app attribute _key_string = "kds_applicationSecurity" for _app_section in self.rdf_app_dict.values(): try: for _section_key in _app_section.keys(): if _section_key == _key_string: self.app_security = _app_section[_section_key] = _app_section break except AttributeError: pass # add attribute for a list of property processors that # will generate a property value when run _value_processors = [] for _processor, value in \ self.rdf_app_dict.get("kds_PropertyProcessor", {}).items(): if value.get("kds_resultType") == "propertyValue": _value_processors.append(_processor) self.value_processors = _value_processors self.app_initialized = True def _generate_classes(self, reset): ''' generates a python RdfClass for each defined rdf class in the app vocabulary ''' if self.class_initialized != True: _class_json = self._load_rdf_class_defintions(reset) self.rdf_class_dict = convert_obj_to_rdf_namespace(_class_json, self.ns_obj) print("\t\t%s objects" % len(self.rdf_class_dict)) self.class_initialized = True kds_saveLocation ="kds_saveLocation","triplestore") kds_subjectPattern ="kds_subjectPattern", "!--baseUrl,/,ns,/,!--classPrefix,/,!--className,/,!--uuid") for _rdf_class in self.rdf_class_dict: setattr(self, _rdf_class, RdfClass(self.rdf_class_dict[_rdf_class], _rdf_class, kds_saveLocation=kds_saveLocation, kds_subjectPattern=kds_subjectPattern)) def _generate_forms(self, reset): ''' adds the dictionary of form definitions as an attribute of this class. The form python class uses this dictionary to create a python form class at the time of calling. ''' if self.forms_initialized != True: _form_json = self._load_rdf_form_defintions(reset) self.rdf_form_dict = convert_obj_to_rdf_namespace(_form_json, self.ns_obj) print("\t\t%s objects" % len(self.rdf_form_dict)) self._make_form_list() self.form_initialized = True def _generate_apis(self, reset): ''' adds the dictionary of api definitions as an attribute of this class. The api python class uses this dictionary to create a python api class at the time of calling. ''' if self.apis_initialized != True: _api_json = self._load_rdf_api_defintions(reset) self.rdf_api_dict = convert_obj_to_rdf_namespace(_api_json, self.ns_obj) print("\t\t%s objects" % len(self.rdf_api_dict)) self._make_api_list() self.apis_initialized = True def _load_application_defaults(self, reset): ''' Queries the triplestore for settings defined for the application in the kl_app.ttl file''' print("\tLoading application defaults") if reset: _sparql = render_without_request( "jsonApplicationDefaults.rq", graph=fw_config().get('RDF_DEFINITION_GRAPH')) _form_list ='TRIPLESTORE_URL'), data={"query": _sparql, "format": "json"}) _string_defs = _form_list.json().get(\ 'results').get('bindings')[0]['app']['value'] _json_defs = json.loads(_string_defs) with open( os.path.join(JSON_LOCATION, "app_query.json"), "w") as file_obj: file_obj.write( _string_defs ) else: with open( os.path.join(JSON_LOCATION, "app_query.json")) as file_obj: _json_defs = json.loads( return _json_defs def _load_rdf_class_defintions(self, reset): ''' Queries the triplestore for list of classes used in the app as defined in the kl_app.ttl file''' print("\tLoading rdf class definitions") if reset: _sparql = render_without_request("jsonRDFclassDefinitions.rq", graph=fw_config().get(\ 'RDF_DEFINITION_GRAPH')) _class_list ='TRIPLESTORE_URL'), data={"query": _sparql, "format": "json"}) _raw_json = _class_list.json().get(\ 'results').get('bindings')[0]['klClasses']['value'] _string_defs = _raw_json.replace('hasProperty":', 'properties":') with open( os.path.join(JSON_LOCATION,"class_query.json"), "w") as file_obj: file_obj.write( _string_defs ) _json_defs = json.loads(_string_defs) else: with open( os.path.join(JSON_LOCATION, "class_query.json")) as file_obj: _json_defs = json.loads( return _json_defs def _load_rdf_form_defintions(self, reset): ''' Queries the triplestore for list of forms used in the app as defined in the kl_app.ttl file''' print("\tLoading form definitions") if reset: _sparql = render_without_request("jsonFormQueryTemplate.rq", graph=fw_config().get(\ 'RDF_DEFINITION_GRAPH')) _form_list ='TRIPLESTORE_URL'), data={"query": _sparql, "format": "json"}) _raw_json = _form_list.json().get('results').get('bindings'\ )[0]['appForms']['value'] _string_defs = _raw_json.replace('hasProperty":', 'properties":') with open( os.path.join(JSON_LOCATION, "form_query.json"), "w") as file_obj: file_obj.write( _string_defs) _json_defs = json.loads(_string_defs) else: with open( os.path.join(JSON_LOCATION, "form_query.json")) as file_obj: _json_defs = json.loads( return _json_defs def _load_rdf_api_defintions(self, reset): ''' Queries the triplestore for list of forms used in the app as defined in the kl_app.ttl file''' print("\tLoading api definitions") if reset: _sparql = render_without_request("jsonApiQueryTemplate.rq", graph=fw_config().get(\ 'RDF_DEFINITION_GRAPH')) _api_list ='TRIPLESTORE_URL'), data={"query": _sparql, "format": "json"}) _raw_json = _api_list.json().get('results').get('bindings'\ )[0]['appApis']['value'] _string_defs = _raw_json.replace('hasProperty":', 'properties":') _json_defs = json.loads(_string_defs) with open( os.path.join(JSON_LOCATION, "api_query.json"), "w") as file_obj: file_obj.write( _string_defs ) else: with open( os.path.join(JSON_LOCATION, "api_query.json")) as file_obj: _json_defs = json.loads( return _json_defs def _validate_obj_by_class_reqs(self, rdf_obj): '''This method will cycle thhrought the objects rdf classes and call the classes validate_form_data method and return the results''' _validation_results = {} _validation_errors = [] for _rdf_class in rdf_obj.class_grouping: _current_class = getattr(self, _rdf_class) _validation_results = _current_class.validate_obj_data(\ rdf_obj.class_grouping[_rdf_class], rdf_obj.query_data) if not _validation_results.get("success", True): _validation_errors += _validation_results.get("errors", []) if len(_validation_errors) > 0: for _error in _validation_errors: for _prop in make_list(_error.get("errorData", {}).get(\ "kds_propUri", [])): _obj_prop = getattr(rdf_obj, _prop.kds_propUri) if hasattr(_obj_prop, "errors"): _prop.errors.append(_error.get(\ "formErrorMessage")) else: setattr(_obj_prop, "errors", [_error.get(\ "formErrorMessage")]) return {"success": False, "obj":rdf_obj, "errors": \ _validation_errors} else: return {"success": True} def _get_save_order(self, rdf_obj): '''Cycle through the classes and determine in what order they need to be saved 1. Classes who's properties don't rely on another class 2. Classes that that depend on classes in step 1 3. Classes stored as blanknodes of Step 2 ''' _save_order = [] _save_last = [] for _rdf_class in rdf_obj.indep_classes: _save_order.append(_rdf_class) for _rdf_class in rdf_obj.dep_classes: _dependant = True for _dep_class in rdf_obj.dependancies: if _dep_class != _rdf_class: for _prop in rdf_obj.dependancies.get(_dep_class, []): #print(_class_name, " d:", _dep_class, " r:", _rdf_class, " p:", #_prop.get('classUri')) if _prop.get('kds_classUri') == _rdf_class: _dependant = False if not _dependant: _save_order.append(_rdf_class) else: _save_last.append(_rdf_class) return _save_order + _save_last def _load_rdf_data(self, reset=False): ''' loads the RDF/turtle application data to the triplestore ''' if reset: base_url = fw_config().get('ORGANIZATION').get('url') triplestore_url = fw_config().get('TRIPLESTORE_URL') # Strip off trailing forward slash for TTL template if base_url.endswith("/"): base_url = base_url[:-1] # if the extensions exist in the triplestore drop the graph stmt = "DROP GRAPH <>;" drop_extensions = url=triplestore_url, params={"update": stmt}) # render the extensions with the base URL # must use a ***NON FLASK*** routing since flask is not completely # initiated rdf_resource_templates = [ "kds-app.ttl", "kds-vocab.ttl", "kds-resources.ttl"] rdf_data = [] for template in rdf_resource_templates: rdf_data.append( render_without_request( template, base_url=base_url)) # load the extensions in the triplestore context_uri = "" for i, data in enumerate(rdf_data): result = url=triplestore_url, headers={"Content-Type": "text/turtle"}, params={"context-uri": context_uri}, data=data) if result.status_code > 399: raise ValueError("Cannot load extensions {} into {}".format( rdf_resource_templates[i], triplestore_url)) else: print("\t%s file loaded" % rdf_resource_templates[i]) # possible deletion: no longer in use. Commented out till certian """def get_form_data(self, rdf_form, **kwargs): ''' returns the data for the current form paramters **keyword arguments subject_uri: the URI for the subject class_uri: the rdf class of the subject ''' _class_uri = kwargs.get("class_uri", rdf_form.data_class_uri) _lookup_class_uri = _class_uri #if hasattr(rdf_form,"subjectUri"): # subject_uri = #else: subject_uri = kwargs.get("subject_uri", rdf_form.data_subject_uri) _subform_data = {} _data_list = kwargs.get("data_list",False) _parent_field = None # test to see if a subform is in the form if rdf_form.has_subform: _sub_rdf_form = None # find the subform field for _field in rdf_form: #print(_field.__dict__,"\n********************\n") if _field.type == 'FieldList': for _entry in _field.entries: print("__________\n",_entry.__dict__) if _entry.type == 'FormField': _sub_rdf_form = _entry.form _parent_field = # if the subform exists recursively call this method to get the # subform data if _sub_rdf_form: _subform_data = self.get_form_data(_sub_rdf_form, subject_uri=subject_uri, class_uri=_lookup_class_uri, data_list=True) if DEBUG: print("tttttt subform data\n",json.dumps(_subform_data, indent=4)) _class_name = self.get_class_name(_class_uri) subject_uri = kwargs.get("subject_uri", rdf_form.data_subject_uri) #print("%%%%%%%%%%% subject_uri: ",subject_uri) _sparql_args = None _class_links = self.get_form_class_links(rdf_form) _sparql_constructor = dict.copy(_class_links['dependancies']) if DEBUG: print("+++++++++++++++++++++++ Dependancies:\n", json.dumps(_sparql_constructor, indent=4)) _base_subject_finder = None _linked_class = None _linked_prop = False _sparql_elements = [] if is_not_null(subject_uri): # find the primary linkage between the supplied subjectId and # other form classes for _rdf_class in _sparql_constructor: for _prop in _sparql_constructor[_rdf_class]: try: if _class_uri == _prop.get("classUri"): _sparql_args = _prop _linked_class = _rdf_class _sparql_constructor[_rdf_class].remove(_prop) if _rdf_class != _lookup_class_uri: _linked_prop = True except: pass # generate the triple pattern for linked class if DEBUG: print("+++++++++++++++++++++++ SPARQL Constructor:\n", json.dumps(_sparql_constructor, indent=4)) if _sparql_args: # create a binding for multi-item results if _data_list: _list_binding = "BIND(?classID AS ?itemID) ." else: _list_binding = '' _base_subject_finder = \ "BIND({} AS ?baseSub) .\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t{}".format( iri(subject_uri), make_triple("?baseSub", "a", iri(_lookup_class_uri)), make_triple("?classID", iri(_sparql_args.get("propUri")), "?baseSub"), _list_binding) #print("base subject Finder:\n", _base_subject_finder) if _linked_prop: if _data_list: _list_binding = "BIND(?s AS ?itemID) ." else: _list_binding = '' _sparql_elements.append(\ "BIND({} AS ?baseSub) .\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t?s ?p ?o .".format(\ iri(subject_uri), make_triple("?baseSub", "a", iri(_lookup_class_uri)), make_triple("?s", iri(_sparql_args.get("propUri")), "?baseSub"), _list_binding)) # iterrate though the classes used in the form and generate the # spaqrl triples to pull the data for that class for _rdf_class in _sparql_constructor: if _rdf_class == _class_name: if _data_list: _list_binding = "BIND(?s AS ?itemID) ." else: _list_binding = '' _sparql_elements.append(\ "\tBIND({} AS ?s) .\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t?s ?p ?o .".format( iri(subject_uri), make_triple("?s", "a", iri(_lookup_class_uri)), _list_binding)) for _prop in _sparql_constructor[_rdf_class]: if _rdf_class == _class_name: if _data_list: _list_binding = "BIND(?s AS ?itemID) ." else: _list_binding = '' #_sparql_elements.append("\t"+make_triple(iri(str(\ #subject_uri)), iri(_prop.get("propUri")), "?s")+\ # "\n\t?s ?p ?o .") _sparql_arg = "\tBIND({} AS ?baseSub) .\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t{}\n\t?s ?p ?o .".format(\ iri(subject_uri), make_triple("?baseSub", "a", iri(_lookup_class_uri)), make_triple("?baseSub", iri(_prop.get("propUri")), "?s"), _list_binding) _sparql_elements.append(_sparql_arg) elif _rdf_class == _linked_class: _sparql_elements.append( "\t{}\n\t{}\n\t?s ?p ?o .".format( _base_subject_finder, make_triple("?classID", iri(_prop.get("propUri")), "?s") ) ) '''**** The case where an ID looking up a the triples for a non-linked related is not functioning i.e. password ClassID not looking up person org triples if the org class is not used in the form. This may not be a problem ... the below comment out is a start to solving if it is a problem elif _linked_class != self.get_class_name(prop.get(\ "classUri")): _sparql_elements.append( "\t" +_base_subject_finder + "\n " + "\t"+ make_triple("?classID", iri(prop.get(\ "propUri")), "?s") + "\n\t?s ?p ?o .")''' # merge the sparql elements for each class used into one combined # sparql union statement _sparql_unions = "{{\n{}\n}}".format("\n} UNION {\n".join(\ _sparql_elements)) if _data_list: _list_binding = "?itemID" else: _list_binding = '' # render the statment in the jinja2 template _sparql = render_without_request("sparqlItemTemplate.rq", prefix=self.get_prefix(), query=_sparql_unions, list_binding=_list_binding) if DEBUG: print(_sparql) # query the triplestore code_timer().log("loadOldData", "pre send query") _form_data_query =\'TRIPLESTORE_URL'), data={"query": _sparql, "format": "json"}) code_timer().log("loadOldData", "post send query") #print(json.dumps(_form_data_query.json().get('results').get(\ #'bindings'), indent=4)) _query_data = convert_spo_to_dict(\ _form_data_query.json().get('results').get('bindings')) code_timer().log("loadOldData", "post convert query") #print("form query data _____\n", json.dumps(_query_data, indent=4)) #_query_data = _form_data_query.json().get('results').get('bindings') #_query_data = json.loads(_form_data_query.json().get('results').get( #'bindings')[0]['itemJson']['value']) else: _query_data = {} # compare the return results with the form fields and generate a # formData object _form_data_list = [] for _item in make_list(_query_data): _form_data = {} for _row in rdf_form.rdfFieldList: for _prop in _row: #print(_prop, "\n\n") _prop_uri = _prop.get("propUri") _class_uri = _prop.get("classUri") #print(_class_uri, " ", _prop_uri, "\n\n") _data_value = None if "subform" in _prop.get("fieldType",{}).get("type",'').lower(): for i, _data in enumerate(_subform_data.get("formdata")): for _key, _value in _data.items(): _form_data["%s-%s-%s" % (_prop.get("formFieldName"),i,_key)] = _value else: for _subject in _item: if _class_uri in _item[_subject].get( \ ""): _data_value = _item[_subject].get(_prop.get("propUri")) if _data_value: _processors = clean_processors( make_list(_prop.get("processors")), _class_uri) #print("processors - ", _prop_uri, " - ", _processors, #"\npre - ", make_list(_prop.get("processors"))) _processors = remove_null(_processors) for _processor in _processors: _data_value = \ run_processor(_processor, {"propUri": _prop_uri, "classUri": _class_uri, "prop": _prop, "queryData": _item, "dataValue": _data_value}, "load") if _data_value is not None: _form_data[_prop.get("formFieldName")] = _data_value _form_data_list.append(MultiDict(_form_data)) if len(_form_data_list) == 1: _form_data_dict = _form_data_list[0] elif len(_form_data_list) > 1: _form_data_dict = _form_data_list else: _form_data_dict = MultiDict() code_timer().log("loadOldData", "post load into MultiDict") #print("data:\n", _form_data) #print("dataDict:\n", _form_data_dict) code_timer().print_timer("loadOldData", delete=True) return {"formdata":_form_data_dict, "queryData":_query_data, "formClassUri":_lookup_class_uri}""" # possible deletion: no longer in use. Commented out till certian '''def _find_form_field_name(self, rdf_form, prop_uri): for _row in rdf_form.rdfFieldList: for _prop in _row: if _prop.get("propUri") == prop_uri: return _prop.get("formFieldName") return None''' # possible deletion: no longer in use. Commented out till certian """def get_class_name(self, class_uri): '''This method returns the rdf class name for the supplied Class URI''' for _rdf_class in self.rdf_class_dict: _current_class_uri = self.rdf_class_dict.get(_rdf_class, {}).get(\ "classUri") if _current_class_uri == class_uri: return _rdf_class return ''""" # possible deletion: no longer in use. Commented out till certian """def get_property(self, **kwargs): ''' Method returns a list of the property json objects where the property is used keyword Args: class_name: *Optional the name of Class class_uri: *Optional the Uri of the Class prop_name: The Name of the property prop_uri: The URI of the property ** the Prop Name or URI is required''' _return_list = [] _class_name = kwargs.get("class_name") _class_uri = kwargs.get("class_uri") _prop_name = kwargs.get("prop_name") _prop_uri = kwargs.get("prop_uri") if _class_name or _class_uri: if _class_uri: _class_name = self.get_class_name(_class_uri) if _prop_uri: _return_list.append(getattr(self, _class_name).get_property(\ prop_uri=_prop_uri)) else: _return_list.append(getattr(self, _class_name).get_property(\ prop_name=_prop_name)) else: for _rdf_class in self.rdf_class_dict: if _prop_name: _current__class_prop = getattr(self, _rdf_class).get_property(\ prop_name=_prop_name) else: _current__class_prop = getattr(self, _rdf_class).get_property(\ prop_uri=_prop_uri) if _current__class_prop: _return_list.append(_current__class_prop) return _return_list""" # possible deletion: no longer in use. Commented out till certian """def _remove_field_from_json(self, rdf_field_json, field_name): ''' removes a field form the rdfFieldList form attribute ''' for _row in rdf_field_json: for _field in _row: if _field.get('formFieldName') == field_name: _row.remove(_field) return rdf_field_json"""
# Theses imports are placed at the end of the module to avoid circular imports from rdfframework import RdfClass #from rdfframework import RdfDataType
[docs]def verify_server_core(timeout=120, start_delay=90): ''' checks to see if the server_core is running args: delay: will cycle till core is up. timeout: number of seconds to wait ''' timestamp = time.time() last_check = time.time() + start_delay - 10 last_delay_notification = time.time() - 10 server_down = True return_val = False timeout += 1 # loop until the server is up or the timeout is reached while((time.time()-timestamp) < timeout) and server_down: # if delaying, the start of the check, print waiting to start if start_delay > 0 and time.time() - timestamp < start_delay \ and (time.time()-last_delay_notification) > 5: print("Delaying server status check until %ss. Current time: %ss" \ % (start_delay, int(time.time() - timestamp))) last_delay_notification = time.time() # send a request check every 10s until the server is up while ((time.time()-last_check) > 10) and server_down: print("Checking status of servers at %ss" % \ int((time.time()-timestamp))) last_check = time.time() try: repo = requests.get(fw_config().get('REPOSITORY_URL')) repo_code = repo.status_code except: repo_code = 400 try: triple = requests.get(fw_config().get('TRIPLESTORE_URL')) triple_code = triple.status_code except: triple_code = 400 if repo_code == 200 and triple_code == 200: server_down = False return_val = True print("**** Servers up at %ss" % \ int((time.time()-timestamp))) break return return_val