Source code for rdfframework.forms.widgets.formwidgets

__author__ = "Mike Stabile, Jeremy Nelson"

from wtforms.widgets import HTMLString, html_params
from wtforms.compat import text_type
from rdfframework.utilities import is_not_null
[docs]class BsGridTableWidget(object): """ Renders a list of fields as a bootstrap formated table. If `with_row_tag` is True, then an enclosing <row> is placed around the rows. Hidden fields will not be displayed with a row, instead the field will be pushed into a subsequent table row to ensure XHTML validity. Hidden fields at the end of the field list will appear outside the table. """ def __init__(self, with_section_tag=False): self.with_section_tag = with_section_tag def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): html = [] if self.with_section_tag: kwargs.setdefault('id', html.append('<section class="col-md-6" %s>' % html_params(**kwargs)) hidden = '' _params = html_params(**kwargs) for subfield in field: if subfield.type == 'CSRFTokenField': html.append('<div style="display:none" %s>%s</div>' % (_params,text_type(subfield(class_="form-control")))) else: html.append('<div class="col-md-2" %s>%s</div>' % (_params,text_type(subfield(class_="form-control")))) hidden = '' if self.with_section_tag: html.append('</section>') if hidden: html.append(hidden) return HTMLString(''.join(html))
DEBUG = False
[docs]class RepeatingSubFormWidget(object): """ Renders a list of fields as a `row` list. This is used for fields which encapsulate many inner fields as subfields. The widget will try to iterate the field to get access to the subfields and call them to render them. If `prefix_label` is set, the subfield's label is printed before the field, otherwise afterwards. The latter is useful for iterating radios or checkboxes. """ def __init__(self, html_tag='div', prefix_label=True): assert html_tag in ('ol', 'ul', 'div', 'section') self.html_tag = html_tag self.prefix_label = prefix_label def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): if DEBUG: debug = True else: debug = False if debug: print("START ---------------\n") kwargs.setdefault('id', _params = html_params(**kwargs) html = [] html.append("<div id='%s_form' class='repeating-subform'>" % html.append('<%s class="row visible-lg visible-md">' % (self.html_tag)) display_mode = False if field[0].form.instance_uri == "kdr_DisplayForm": display_mode = True for fld in field[0].form.rdf_field_list: flag_str = "" label = "" if fld.flags.required and not display_mode: flag_str = " *" if fld.type not in ['CSRFTokenField', 'HiddenField']: label = fld.label html.append(''' <section class="col-md-2"> <div class="form-group"> %s%s </div> </section>''' % (label, flag_str)) html.append('</%s>' % (self.html_tag)) row = 0 for subfield in field: html.append('<%s class="row subform-row">' % self.html_tag) html.append(subfield.form.hidden_tag()) if debug: print("row ",row) row +=1 for fld in subfield.form.rdf_field_list: if debug: print( error_css = "" error_msg = "" error_list = [] if fld.type == 'HiddenField': continue if display_mode: if fld.kds_formFieldName.endswith("_image"): data = '<img src="/badges/fedora_image?id=%s" style="height:50px">' \ %"<","").replace(">","") elif hasattr(fld, "selected_display"): data = fld.selected_display else: data = if hasattr(fld, "kds_call_in_display"): fld_render = fld(, class_=fld.kds_css, readonly=not fld.editable) else: fld_render = \ '<div id="%s" class="form-control-static">%s</div>' % \ (, data) else: fld_render = fld(, class_=fld.kds_css, readonly=not fld.editable) if fld.errors: error_css = " has-error" error_msg = "<ul class='help-block'><li>%s</li></ul>" % \ "</li><li>".join(fld.errors) html.append(''' <section class="col-md-2"> <div class="form-group %s"> %s %s %s </div> </section>''' % (error_css, fld.label(class_="control-label visible-sm visible-xs"), fld_render, error_msg)) html.append('</%s>' % self.html_tag) html.append('</div>') if debug: print(HTMLString(''.join(html))) if debug: print("\nEND ---------------\n") return HTMLString(''.join(html))
[docs]class RepeatingSubFormTableJinga2Widget(object): """ Renders a list of fields as a `row` list. This is used for fields which encapsulate many inner fields as subfields. The widget will try to iterate the field to get access to the subfields and call them to render them. If `prefix_label` is set, the subfield's label is printed before the field, otherwise afterwards. The latter is useful for iterating radios or checkboxes. """ def __init__(self, html_tag='div', prefix_label=True): assert html_tag in ('ol', 'ul', 'div') self.html_tag = html_tag self.prefix_label = prefix_label def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('id', _params = html_params(**kwargs) html = [] html.append('<%s class="row">' % (self.html_tag)) for sub_subfield in field[0]: if sub_subfield.type != 'CSRFTokenField': html.append('<div class="col-md-2">%s</div>' % sub_subfield.label) html.append('</%s>' % (self.html_tag)) for subfield in field: html.append('<%s class="row">%s</%s>' % (self.html_tag, #_params, subfield(), self.html_tag)) return HTMLString(''.join(html))
[docs]class ButtonActionWidget(object): ''' This widget will place a button on the page that will call a function as passed in ''' def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): if hasattr(field,'kds_buttonAction'): button_action = field.kds_buttonAction else: button_action = '' if hasattr(field,'kds_buttonText'): button_text = field.kds_buttonText else: button_text = {'false': 'Click', 'true': 'Resend'} if hasattr(field,'kds_buttonLink'): button_link = field.kds_buttonLink else: button_link = '' if hasattr(field,'kds_buttonFalseCss'): button_true_css = field.kds_buttonFalseCss else: button_true_css = 'btn-success' if hasattr(field,'kds_buttonTrueCss'): button_false_css = field.kds_buttonTrueCss else: button_false_css = 'btn-danger' button_action = kwargs.get('button_action', button_action) button_text = kwargs.get('button_text', button_text) button_link = kwargs.get('button_link', button_link) css = kwargs.pop('class', '') or kwargs.pop('class_', '') if is_not_null( css = "%s %s" % (css, button_true_css) else: css = "%s %s" % (css, button_false_css) if button_action[:-2] == "()": button_action = button_action[:-2] return_args = [] return_args.append("<a ") if is_not_null( button_text = button_text['true'] else: button_text = button_text['false'] if is_not_null(button_action): return_args.append("href='javascript:;' ") return_args.append('onclick="%s(\'%s\',this,\'%s\',\'%s\')" ' % (button_action,, button_false_css, \ button_true_css)) else: return_args.append("href='%s' " % button_link) return_args.append("class='%s' " % css) return_args.append("kds_propUri='%s' " % field.kds_propUri) return_args.append("kds_classUri='%s' " % field.kds_classUri) return_args.append("kds_errorLogPropUri='%s' " % \ field.kds_errorLogPropUri) return_args.append("data=\"%s\" " % return_args.append("id='%s' " % return_args.append(">%s</a>" % button_text) return "".join(return_args)