Source code for rdfframework.forms.rdfforms

__author__ = "Mike Stabile, Jeremy Nelson"

import datetime
import requests
from urllib.parse import quote
from rdfframework.validators import UniqueValue
from .rdffields import add_field_attributes, calculate_default_value, \
        get_wtform_field, get_field_json
import wtforms
from wtforms.fields import StringField, FormField, FieldList, HiddenField
import flask_wtf
from rdfframework.utilities import cbool, make_list, make_set, code_timer, \
        fw_config, iri, is_not_null, convert_spo_to_dict, uri, pp, \
        convert_obj_to_rdf_namespace, copy_obj, nz
from rdfframework import get_framework as rdfw
from rdfframework.forms.widgets import BsGridTableWidget, RepeatingSubFormWidget
from rdfframework.sparql import query_select_options, get_data
from rdfframework.processors import run_processor
#Form = flask_wtf.Form
def form_loader(form_url, **kwargs):
    ''' Main method for starting a form '''
    # create the form class
    form_class = rdf_framework_form_factory(form_url, **kwargs)
    # if there is an id passed in load the data
    subject_uri = kwargs.get("subject_uri")
    if subject_uri:
        form_data = rdfw().get_obj_data(form_class(no_query=True,\
    # otherwise set the form_data values to none
        form_data = {}
        form_data['form_data'] = None
        form_data['query_data'] = None
    # initiate the form with data and paramaters
    form = form_class(form_data['form_data'],\
    return form
DEBUG = False    
[docs]class Form(flask_wtf.Form): ''' This class extends the wtforms base form class to add rdfframework specific attributes and functions ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Form, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.obj_type = "form" self.xsd_load = "string" self.form_changed = False self.base_url = kwargs.get("base_url", self.base_url) self.current_url = kwargs.get("current_url", self.current_url) self.form_uri = self.form_uri self.save_state = None self.save_subject_uri = None self.save_results = None self.data_subject_uri = kwargs.get("subject_uri",self.data_subject_uri) edit_path = rdfw().get_form_path(self.form_uri, "kdr_EditForm") self.edit_path = None if edit_path: self.edit_path = "{}{}?id={}".format(\ self.base_url, edit_path, quote(nz(self.data_subject_uri,''))) self.display_path = "{}{}?id={}".format(\ self.base_url, rdfw().get_form_path(self.form_uri, "kdr_DisplayForm"), quote(nz(self.data_subject_uri,''))) self.data_class_uri = self.data_class_uri self.has_subobj = self.has_subobj self.is_subobj = self.is_subobj self.rdf_field_list = self.rdf_field_list self.rdf_instructions = self.rdf_instructions self.instance_uri = self.instance_uri self.data_class_uri = self.data_class_uri self.data_prop_uri = self.data_prop_uri self._set_class_links() self._tie_wtf_fields_to_field_list() if not kwargs.get('no_query'): #self._get_form_data() self._load_form_select_options() for fld in self.rdf_field_list: pretty_data = pp.pformat(fld.__dict__) setattr(fld, 'debug_data', pretty_data) pretty_data = pp.pformat(self.__dict__) self.debug_data = pretty_data self.original_fields = copy_obj(self._fields) self._renumber_field_rows()
[docs] def save(self): ''' sends the form to the framework for saving ''' save_action = self.rdf_instructions.get('kds_saveAction') if save_action == "kdr_AuthenticateUser": rdfw().user_authentication(self) else: rdfw().save_obj(self)
[docs] def redirect_url(self, id_value=None, **kwargs): ''' formats the redirect url for the form in its current state ''' if id_value is None: id_value = self.save_subject_uri if self.save_state == "success": _url_instructions = self.rdf_instructions.get("kds_submitSuccessRedirect") if not _url_instructions: return base_url elif self.save_state == "fail": _url_instructions = self.rdf_instructions.get("submitFailRedirect") if not _url_instructions: return "!--currentpage" if _url_instructions == "!--currentpage": return self.current_url elif _url_instructions == "!--homepage": return "/" elif _url_instructions == "!--source": return kwargs.get("params", {}).get("source",\ kwargs.get("params", {}).get("next","/")) elif _url_instructions is not None: _form_url = rdfw().get_form_path(self.form_uri, _url_instructions) if _form_url is not None: return "{}{}?id={}".format(self.base_url, _form_url, quote(nz(id_value,''))) else: return _url_instructions else: return self.base_url
[docs] def remove_prop(self, prop): ''' removes a prop completely from the form ''' self.form_changed = True for _prop in self.rdf_field_list: if _prop == prop: self.rdf_field_list.remove(_prop) for _rdf_class, _props in self.class_grouping.items(): for _prop in _props: if _prop == prop: self.class_grouping[_rdf_class].remove(_prop) del self._fields[prop.kds_formFieldName] x = getattr(self, prop.kds_formFieldName) del x del prop self._set_class_links()
[docs] def add_props(self, prop_list): ''' adds a new property/field to the form in all the correct locations ''' prop_list = make_list(prop_list) self.form_changed = True for _prop in prop_list: _current_class = _prop.kds_classUri setattr(self,, _prop) self.rdf_field_list.append(_prop) if isinstance(self.class_grouping[_current_class], list): self.class_grouping[_current_class].append(_prop) else: self.class_grouping[_current_class] = [_prop] self._set_class_links()
[docs] def reset_fields(self): ''' fields are moved around during save process and if the validation fails this method will return the fields to their original locations ''' if self.form_changed is True: # reset the field listing attributes self.rdf_field_list = copy_obj(self.original_rdf_field_list) self._fields = copy_obj(self.original_fields) self.class_grouping = copy_obj(self.original_class_grouping) # reset the class links attribute self._set_class_links() # call the reset for the subforms for fld in self.rdf_field_list: if isinstance(fld, FieldList): for form in fld.entries: if isinstance(form, FormField): form.reset_fields() elif isinstance(fld, FormField): form.reset_fields() self.form_changed = False
def _tie_wtf_fields_to_field_list(self): ''' add the attributes to the wtforms fields and creates the rdf_field_list and the rdf class groupings ''' self.class_grouping = {} _new_field_list = [] for _class in self.class_set: self.class_grouping[_class] = [] for field in self.rdf_field_list: #field['field'] = getattr(self,field['kds_formFieldName']) fld = getattr(self,field['kds_formFieldName']) if fld: for attr, value in field.items(): setattr(fld, attr, value) setattr(fld, 'processed_data', None) setattr(fld, 'old_data', None) setattr(fld, 'query_data', None) setattr(fld, 'subject_uri', None) _new_field_list.append(fld) self.class_grouping[field['kds_classUri']].append(fld) field['field'] = getattr(self,field['kds_formFieldName']) self.rdf_field_list = _new_field_list self.original_rdf_field_list = copy_obj(_new_field_list) self.original_class_grouping = copy_obj(self.class_grouping) def _set_class_links(self): ''' reads the classes used in the form fields and determines the linkages between the classes and sets the the following attributes: self.dep_classes self.indep_classes self.dependancies self.reverse_dependancies ''' _class_set = set() # get all of the unique rdf classes in the passed in form for _field in self.rdf_field_list: if isinstance(_field, dict): _class_set.add(_field['kds_classUri']) else: _class_set.add(_field.kds_classUri) class_links = rdfw().get_class_links(_class_set) self.class_set = _class_set self.dep_classes = class_links['dep_classes'] self.indep_classes = class_links['indep_classes'] self.dependancies = class_links['dependancies'] self.reverse_dependancies = class_links['reverse_dependancies']
[docs] def set_obj_data(self, **kwargs): ''' sets the data for the current form paramters **keyword arguments subject_uri: the URI for the subject class_uri: the rdf class of the subject ''' if not DEBUG: debug = False else: debug = True if debug: print("START Form.set_obj_data --------------\n") _class_uri = kwargs.get("class_uri", self.data_class_uri) _lookup_class_uri = _class_uri subject_uri = kwargs.get("subject_uri", self.data_subject_uri) if not is_not_null(subject_uri) and not kwargs.get('query_data'): self.query_data = {} return None _subform_data = {} _parent_field = None # test to see if a sub_obj is part of the form. '''if self.has_subobj: for _field in self.rdf_field_list: if _field.type == 'FieldList': for _entry in _field.entries: if _entry.type == 'FormField': _sub_rdf_obj = _entry.form _parent_field = _field # if the sub_obj get its data if _sub_rdf_obj: _subform_data = _sub_rdf_obj.query_data''' # send the form to the query generator and get the query data back if kwargs.get('query_data') is None: return None '''self.query_data = convert_obj_to_rdf_namespace(\ convert_spo_to_dict(get_data(self, **kwargs)))''' else: self.query_data = kwargs.get('query_data') _data_value = None # cycle through the query data and add the data to the fields for _item in make_list(self.query_data): for _prop in self.rdf_field_list: _prop_uri = _prop.kds_propUri _class_uri = iri(uri(_prop.kds_classUri)) for _subject in _item: if _class_uri in _item[_subject].get("rdf_type"): _prop.query_data = _item[_subject].get(_prop_uri) _prop.subject_uri = _subject for _processor in _prop.kds_processors: run_processor(_processor, self, _prop, "load") if _prop.processed_data is not None: #print(_prop_uri, " __ ", _prop.query_data, "--pro--", _prop.processed_data) _prop.old_data = _prop.processed_data _prop.processed_data = None else: _prop.old_data = _prop.query_data #print(_prop_uri, " __ ", _prop.query_data, "--old--", _prop.old_data) if is None and _prop.old_data is not None: = _prop.old_data #pp.pprint(_prop.__dict__) if debug: print("END Form.set_obj_data --------------\n")
def _load_form_select_options(self): ''' queries the triplestore for the select options and loads the data ''' for fld in self.rdf_field_list: if fld.kds_fieldType['rdf_type'] == "kdr_SelectField": _options = query_select_options(fld) # set the selected options display field to the field # attribute "selected_display" this can then be referenced # when running a display form. for _option in _options: if _option['id'] == setattr(fld,"selected_display",_option['value']) fld.choices = [(_option['id'], _option['value']) \ for _option in _options] def _renumber_field_rows(self): ''' this will renmber the rows based upon any inserts into the form ''' if DEBUG: debug = True else: debug = False if debug: print("START Form._renumber_field_rows ------------------\n") current_row = float(self.rdf_field_list[0].kds_formLayoutRow) last_row = current_row for fld in self.rdf_field_list: if hasattr(fld, 'kds_formLayoutRow'): current_row = float(fld.kds_formLayoutRow) else: current_row = last_row + .01 if debug: print("%s cr:%s lr:%s" % (, current_row, last_row)) if current_row >= last_row: fld.kds_formLayoutRow = current_row last_row = current_row else: fld.kds_formLayoutRow = last_row + 1 last_row += 1 if debug: print("\nEND Form._renumber_field_rows ------------------\n")
[docs]def get_form_instructions_json(instructions, instance): ''' This function will read through the RDF defined info and proccess the json to retrun the correct instructions for the specified form instance.''' _rdf_app = rdfw().app #print("inst------", instructions) # get form instance info _form_instance_info = {} _form_instance_type_list = make_list(instructions.get('kds_formInstance', [])) for _form_instance in _form_instance_type_list: if _form_instance.get('kds_formInstanceType') == instance: _form_instance_info = _form_instance _new_instr = {} #print("------", _form_instance_info) #Determine the form paramaters _new_instr['kds_formTitle'] = _form_instance_info.get('kds_formTitle', \ instructions.get("kds_formTitle", "")) _new_instr['kds_formDescription'] = _form_instance_info.get('kds_formDescription', \ instructions.get("kds_formDescription", "")) _new_instr['kds_form_Method'] = _form_instance_info.get('kds_form_Method', \ instructions.get("kds_form_Method", "")) _new_instr['kds_form_enctype'] = _form_instance_info.get('kds_form_enctype', \ instructions.get("kds_form_enctype", "")) _new_instr['kds_propertyAddOnCss'] = _form_instance_info.get('kds_propertyAddOnCss', \ instructions.get("kds_propertyAddOnCss", "")) _new_instr['kds_lookupClassUri'] = _form_instance_info.get('kds_lookupClassUri', \ instructions.get("kds_lookupClassUri", "")) _new_instr['kds_lookupPropertyUri'] =\ _form_instance_info.get('kds_lookupPropertyUri',\ instructions.get("kds_lookupPropertyUri")) _new_instr['kds_submitSuccessRedirect'] = \ _form_instance_info.get('kds_submitSuccessRedirect', instructions.get(\ "kds_submitSuccessRedirect", "")) _new_instr['kds_submitFailRedirect'] = \ _form_instance_info.get('kds_submitFailRedirect', instructions.get("kds_submitFailRedirect", "")) _new_instr['kds_saveAction'] = \ _form_instance_info.get('kds_saveAction', instructions.get("kds_saveAction", "")) _new_instr["kds_lookupPropertyClass"] = \ _form_instance_info.get('"kds_lookupPropertyClass"', instructions.get("kds_lookupPropertyClass")) _new_instr["kds_loginRequired"] = \ _form_instance_info.get('"kds_loginRequired"', instructions.get("kds_loginRequired")) # Determine css classes #form row css css = _form_instance_info.get('kds_rowOverideCss', instructions.get(\ 'kds_rowOverideCss', None)) if css is None: css = _rdf_app.get('kds_formDefault', {}).get('kds_rowCss', '') css = css.strip() + " " + _form_instance_info.get('kds_rowAddOnCss', \ instructions.get('kds_rowAddOnCss', '')) css = css.strip() css.strip() _new_instr['kds_rowCss'] = css #form general css css = _form_instance_info.get('kds_formOverideCss', instructions.get(\ 'kds_formOverideCss', None)) if css is None: css = _rdf_app.get('kds_formDefault', {}).get('kds_formCss', '') css = css.strip() + " " + _form_instance_info.get('kds_formAddOnCss', \ instructions.get('kds_formAddOnCss', '')) css = css.strip() css.strip() _new_instr['kds_formCss'] = css return _new_instr
[docs]def rdf_framework_form_factory(form_url, **kwargs): ''' Generates a form class based on the form definitions in the kds-app.ttl file keyword Args: class_uri: the classUri used for a form with loaded data ***** has to be the class of the subject_uri for the form data lookup subject_uri: the uri of the object that you want to lookup is_subform: True or False. States whether the form is a subform of another form ''' # find the form name and instance from the url _form_location = rdfw().form_exists(form_url) # exit factory if form does not exist if _form_location is False: return None _form_uri = _form_location['form_uri'] _instance = _form_location['instance_uri'] rdf_form = type(_form_uri, (Form, ), {}) setattr(rdf_form, "form_uri", _form_uri) _app_form = rdfw().rdf_form_dict.get(_form_uri, {}) fields = _app_form.get('kds_properties') instructions = get_form_instructions_json(\ _app_form.get('kds_formInstructions'), _instance) _lookup_class_uri = kwargs.get("classUri",\ instructions.get("kds_lookupClassUri")) _lookup_prop_uri = kwargs.get("propUri", \ instructions.get("kds_lookupPropUri")) _lookup_subject_uri = kwargs.get("subject_uri") kwargs['subject_uri'] = _lookup_subject_uri kwargs["propUri"] = _lookup_prop_uri kwargs["classUri"] = _lookup_class_uri # ************************** Testing Variable ************************* user_info = { "kds_userGroups":["kdr_SysAdmin-SG"], 'kds_applicationSecurity':["acl_Read", "acl_Write"] } # ********************************************************************* _has_subobj = False rdf_field_list = [] for fld in fields: #print(fld) field = get_field_json(fld, instructions, _instance, user_info) if field: field_item = get_wtform_field(field, _instance, **kwargs) form_field = field_item.get('fld') field = field_item.get('fld_json') if isinstance(form_field, list): i = 0 for nfld in form_field: #print(fld) if nfld.get('kds_field'): _new_field = dict.copy(field) _new_field['kds_formFieldName'] = nfld['kds_fieldName'] _new_field['kds_formFieldOrder'] = \ float(_new_field['kds_formFieldOrder']) + i _new_field['kds_formLayoutRow'] = \ nfld.get("kds_formLayoutRow", _new_field['kds_formLayoutRow']) if nfld.get("doNotSave") == True: _new_field['doNotSave'] = True else: _new_field['doNotSave'] = False augmented_field = add_field_attributes(\ nfld['kds_field'],_new_field) rdf_field_list.append(_new_field) setattr(rdf_form, nfld['kds_fieldName'], augmented_field) i += .01 else: #print(field['formFieldName'], " - ", form_field) if form_field: #print("set --- ", field) augmented_field = add_field_attributes(form_field, field) field['doNotSave'] = False rdf_field_list.append(field) setattr(rdf_form, field['kds_formFieldName'], augmented_field) if hasattr(augmented_field,"frameworkField"): if "subform" in form_field.frameworkField.lower(): _has_subobj = True if kwargs.get("is_subobj"): field = {'kds_formFieldName':'subjectUri', 'kds_fieldType':{'rdf_type':'ReferenceField'}, 'kds_formLabelName':'Hidden dataSubjectUri', 'kds_classUri':_lookup_class_uri, 'kds_propUri':'subjectUri', 'kds_processors':[], 'kds_css':'form-control', 'editable': False, 'doNotSave': False} rdf_field_list.append(field) augmented_field = add_field_attributes(HiddenField('dataSubjectUri'), field) setattr(rdf_form, 'subjectUri', augmented_field) setattr(rdf_form, 'is_subobj', True) else: setattr(rdf_form, 'is_subobj', False) setattr(rdf_form, 'has_subobj', _has_subobj) setattr(rdf_form, 'rdf_field_list', rdf_field_list) setattr(rdf_form, "rdf_instructions", instructions) setattr(rdf_form, "instance_uri", _instance) setattr(rdf_form, "data_class_uri", _lookup_class_uri) setattr(rdf_form, "data_subject_uri", _lookup_subject_uri) setattr(rdf_form, "data_prop_uri", _lookup_prop_uri) setattr(rdf_form, "base_url", kwargs.get("base_url")) setattr(rdf_form, "current_url", kwargs.get("current_url")) #pp.pprint(rdf_form.__dict__) return rdf_form
#return rdf_form