Transforming MARC and Metadata into RDF-based Applications

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 - 9:30 to 12:30

Jeremy Nelson
Metadata & Systems Librarian, Colorado College
Partner, KnowledgeLinks

Mike Stabile
Partner & CEO, KnowledgeLinks


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

 9:30 - Welcome and Overview
10:00 - Computer setup
10:20 - Break
10:30 - BIBCAT Introduction
11:20 - Break
11:30 - Next Steps, Questions and Comments
12:30 - End Session



RDF Applications Technologies

Data Formats


Query Languages

Python Modules

Open-Source Enterprise Tools

Source Control, Packaging, and Deployment

Our Approach

Data Sources

MARC 21 and MARC XML records are exported from an ILS

MODS XML, OAI-PMH Dublin Core, Fedora Commons XML, are harvested from OAI-PMH Ingesters typically from external repositories like Islandora, Omeka, or Content DM digital repositories.

Excel and Comma-Separate-Value, in a couple of instances, the data source are spreadsheets that either start as Microsoft Excel that are converted to CSV, or the original source is CSV.

JSON feeds, for some projects, a JSON feed of Dublin Core metadata is the record source

SPARQL endpoints

Application Programming Interfaces API

BIBCAT Ingesters

  1. Data harvested over OAI-PMH endpoints, HTTP connections, or provided data files
  2. Usually executed from the command-line and can be long-running processes

BIBCAT RML Processors

BIBCAT uses RDF Mapping Language to preform the following processing of incoming data to the final RDF Linked Data output, stored either in triplestore or on disk

BIBCAT uses the Rdfframework for configuration and data management

Access & Discovery

Using RML Processors, BIBCAT is easily able to generate multiple formats and vocabularies outputs depending on the project.

BIBCAT Introduction

We will now introduce the bibcat catalog pull platform for building RDF-based bibliographic applications. We'll go through a quick-start to get your Python environment set-up to use bibcat, followed by some useful helper functions bibcat provides for building RDF applications. We'll then go through and convert MARC records to Library of Congress BIBFRAME RDF and then demonstrate the use of a RML map to produce "lean" BIBFRAME RDF. From this lean BIBFRAME RDF, we'll generate JSON-LD. Finally, we will look at some of the other input data format/vocabulary workflows to produce BIBFRAME RDF.

Next Steps with the RDF Framework

RDF Applications

Building semantic solutions for knowledge organizations

RdfFramework for Managing Linked Data


Questions, & Comments
